
How Restaurants Can Prevent Flooding

Restaurants need to prepare themselves for the worst, and must know how to prevent flooding to succeed. Floods can wreak havoc on any structure, but they can be especially damaging for a restaurant. Restaurateurs typically invest considerable time, effort, and resources in setting up their business, but floods can lay all that to waste in a few hours.

Excess flood insurance can mitigate flood-related loss and damage. The funds from the insurance policy can pay for structural repair and equipment replacement and even augment income lost when the restaurant is out of business.

Even so, any loss or damage is a tremendous inconvenience at best. At worst, it could be downright heartbreaking. Even with the compensation that owners receive from excess flood insurance, the physical, mental, and emotional toll extracted by flood damage can be devastating.

It is essential to prevent floods from causing too much damage. Taking precautions and implementing preventive measures could reduce the risk and hopefully spare the establishment from irreplaceable loss and damage.

Prevent Flooding in a Restaurant With These Tips

Here are some flood and water damage prevention measures that restaurant owners can implement in their establishments:

Periodic Appliance Inspection

Restaurant owners should check freezers, refrigerators, and ice machines regularly to ensure they’re working properly and aren’t leaking. It also applies to other appliances connected to water lines, including coolers and dispensers. 

Monitoring the Water System

All restaurant owners should know where the water main is and how to shut off the water. Assigning these tasks to trusted employees is also a good idea so they can act quickly to prevent a flood if a pipe bursts or a faucet leaks.

Using Water Detection Equipment

It might be a good idea to invest in a water detection system. These devices alert users to moisture and can detect slow leaks and slight wetness. It is ideal to install them in areas where water accumulates, such as pumps, heaters, and toilets.

Checking Outdoor Hoses and Insulating Water Fixtures

Outdoor hoses and fixtures are prone to leaks and cracks, especially when the weather turns colder. Outdoor water hoses should be disconnected when not in use to prevent water from freezing in them and leaking onto the grounds when it melts. Any exposed pipes and fixtures should be insulated from the cold as well.

Maintaining Gutters

Cleaning gutters should be a part of regular preventive maintenance. The best tactic would be to inspect and clear these twice yearly to prevent puddles from forming near the building. Directing water spouts away from the structure is also advisable to avoid damage to the foundation. 

Checking Exterior Walls

Excess water could just as easily come from outside the property, so owners should check exterior walls regularly. Owners should also ensure that the ground outside the building is angled slightly. It helps keep water away from the establishment and also prevents it from potentially getting into the basement. 

Repairing Window Seals

People can replace windows every 20 years or sooner. It is generally best to check for strength and reliability during rainstorms or intense downpours. Water entering through the seams is a sign that caulking is necessary.

Regular Roof Inspection

A leaky roof may seem like a minor inconvenience at worst, but it could lead to more severe and costly problems later on. Periodic roof inspection and maintenance are essential for detecting and plugging problem leaks. Your client should address slow leaks as soon as possible, as they can cause mold and mildew.

Checking Sprinkler Systems

Sprinkler systems can be convenient, but they could also be an unwanted source of excess water. Your client should check this regularly to ensure they aren’t leaking or spraying water into the building. Autumn and winter checks are also helpful for detecting frozen pipes that could burst and cause flooding.  


Floods can spell disaster for a restaurant, especially if the owner neglects to take preventive measures. The good news is that your client can prevent flood damage or at least minimize it with a few simple precautions. The tips above should help restaurant owners minimize property loss, reduce property damage, and protect their investments.

About Snyder Specialty

Snyder Specialty, LLC is a New York-based underwriting facility that provides a range of property and liability solutions for personal and commercial lines. Specializing in coastal properties and hard-to-place risks, Snyder Specialty expands your current capabilities with proven solutions for complex risks. Find out more about the company’s range of services by calling (718) 362-8039.