
How to Protect a Vacant Property During Renovation

It is wise to know how to protect a vacant property during renovation so things can go as smoothly as possible. As property owners, your clients may sometimes find their homes empty for extended periods. They must ensure their vacant property is safe and secure. Protecting their vacant property is essential if they work away from home, have renovation done, or are between tenants. Likewise, owners can protect their homes by following some necessary steps. 

Protect a Vacant Property: The Steps to Take

Homeowners insurance provides essential protection for vacant properties. But they can also secure their homes with these simple solutions:

Keeping The Home Security System Active

Some homeowners opt to discontinue their home security monitoring service to reduce costs. But this is never a good idea and not an excellent way to protect a vacant property. Whatever type of neighborhood or community their home is in, it is always at risk of being a target for thieves and vandals.

Compared to the financial nightmare your client will experience if their home suffers damage, home security monitoring costs nothing. Likewise, there are plenty of security cameras available on the market. The most effective for vacant properties have internet access.

It might also be wise to keep the camera concealed. Likewise, they can install a dummy camera in a prominent area to deceive burglars.

Installing Outdoor Lighting

According to a 2007 Washington Post report, burglars look for homes that seem to be vacant. Lighting creates a sense of security and indicates human presence, both of which deter burglars from targeting a home in the first place.

According to the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), adequate security lighting deters potential thieves from breaking into a home. In most cases, these can increase the cost and effort involved in committing a crime.

Performing Regular Yard Maintenance

Keeping the house’s exterior in good condition and the lawn cut and clean can be an effective deterrent against unauthorized entry. The owners must cut or trim bushes and shrubs that can block the view of the house or serve as hiding spots for burglars. 

The owner should not let the mailbox get too full. People will realize that the house is vacant when there are newspapers in the yard and a stuffed mailbox. 

Reinforcing Locks And Door In Vacant Houses

It is essential to secure all external doors. Burglars will look through all available entrances to find the weak spot, so homeowners shouldn’t just focus on the front and back doors. Strengthening a door makes it harder to force it open or pry the locks.

Try to use two different locking mechanisms. For example, they could combine a sturdy security bar with a door barricade. For added security, they could add exterior roller shutters as well. 

Ground-floor windows are the most accessible, so it makes sense to secure them. They could replace it with reinforced glass if they have thin and easily broken glass. 


Vacant properties often present a different level of risk than inhabited structures, which is why securing vacant property insurance is always a good idea. Following the tips suggested above should help keep your client’s property safe from intrusion and unauthorized entry.

About Snyder Specialty

Snyder Specialty, LLC is a New York-based underwriting facility that provides a range of property and liability solutions for personal and commercial lines. Specializing in coastal properties and hard-to-place risks, Snyder Specialty expands your current capabilities with proven solutions for complex risks. Find out more about the company’s range of services by calling (718) 362-8039.